zine collection/2019-2021
In February 2019, I started a weekly four page zine of writing and graphic mayhem called Worm House: The Only Source of Real News in the World. Worm House began as a freely disseminated publication to counter the dentist-office-appropriate artwork that dominated the art publications and galleries in the small Norman Rockwell (literally) town of Great Barrington, Massachusetts. It metamorphosed into a subscription/word-of-mouth publication after the police threatened me with a 5 year prison sentence for distributing “obscene” content. Altogether, there were 86 issues which were exhibited in 2020 at Gund Gallery in Gambier, OH, with readings and artist talks.
Worm House would not have been possible without my muses/neighbors/contributors Uncle Fingers (Jesse Tucker), Gum Slut
(Michelle Kapnlan),